
Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Rules of Propaganda

The first rule of propaganda is convincing the public that what you're selling is necessary. (Call the wisest person you know on your cell phone and ask them if it's true.)The second rule of propaganda is that what you're selling should be the means by which you spread your propaganda. (Check to see if it's true on the internet.)The third rule of propaganda is to use fear to sell your product, and...

Sunday, June 28, 2015

And don't forget the concubines!

I read an interesting perspective on same-sex marriage today. One of my friends on Facebook said that he did not think the states should be involved in licensing marriages. If that was the case, there would have been no need for a Supreme Court decision.This made me think about same-sex marriage from a different angle: An economic one. It made me wonder if legalizing same-sex marriage was not a commerce...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

What's in a unique name?

Originally published in The Ocilla Star on June 9, 2010In today's day and age, the social aspect of the internet increases the importance of having a unique name. Whether it's social networking on Facebook or Twitter or doing a search for someone on Google, folks who have a unique, rare name will have an advantage.Search John Smith or Anne Williams and you're likely to get millions of hits. Search...